A review by sarajean37
Blindspot by Jane Kamensky


I found this book (unsurprisingly) on the freebie table at my local library. They had it as an advanced reading copy, so when they were done with it, they had to put it on the freebie table rather than the $0.25 table. Free books FTW!

Overall I enjoyed this book. I did have a few problems with it: Jameson's chapters (especially in the beginning) were uneven, the book often falls into an awareness of its own existence and can be quite meta, and the main tension that carries the action through 3/4 of the book has little historical evidence available via Google. Now, the two authors are both history professors and this complaint might have been alleviated in later editions, but I had to do some major suspension of disbelief to accept that premise.

Once those issues were resolved, however, it was a very compelling (if somewhat trite) book. There was definitely room for improvement, as I believe the authors were trying to make more of a statement that ended up coming through, but it was a good ride.