A review by michalice
Fuse by Julianna Baggott


Pure was one of my favourite reads last year and I have been eagerly awaiting the release of Fuse to find out what happens with the characters I fell in love with. I am going to try not to give too much away with my review. There is so much that happens in Fuse that not only will it be too much to put in my review, but all the pieces link together and telling you one may spoil it for what may happen because of it.

Fuse is told through multiple points of view, Pressia, Partridge, Lyda, El Capitan, and Bradwell. We get to follow their journey as they set out with their own tasks and get a full view on how all the pieces interlock together. One action results in another being taken by the opposing force.

Freedle also makes an apperence in Fuse, and he is just as cute as he was in Pure. We are also introduced to Fignan, one of the black boxes that Bradwell discovered in Pure, that has formed an attachment to him, however he is more than just a simple black box, and inside he is a treasure trove of secrets and clues to helping Pressia and Bradwell. I enjoyed seeing Pressia and Bradwell try to solve the riddles and secrets that Fignan holds, working together and pooling ideas and thoughts to make it work.

From the minute I began reading Fuse I was hooked, the plot takes hold and doesn't let go till the last page. A long gap between books sometimes means I lose track of what has previously happened, but with Fuse it was easy to jump straight back in and fall in love with the characters all over again. The tension in the book has you sitting on the edge of your seat wanting to find out what happens, and then there are OMG moments that you did not see coming at all. I loved the build up towards the end of Fuse and it ended far too soon for my liking. Like the last few books I have read, I need to know what happens next right now.