A review by colleen987
Quincredible Vol. 1, Volume 1: Quest to Be the Best by Rodney Barnes


The story follows Quin a high school student in Katrina, and meteor ravaged New Orleans. A place much like the real that how a class and poverty divide leading to descension among the citizens. The world also has superheroes, helping the police fight crime. Quinn quickly discovers he is an invincible and must come to terms with being a super, in a city that associates them with police oppression.

I loved the social message, it was very well put across. Tactfully written while still having a hard hitting message. The artwork is beautiful, with a whole cast of diverse and representative characters.

However, my main problems happened with pacing, and story. The first chapter was hard... the story is spoon fed to the reader "dad you know i don't have friends", there's is a lot of "telling" and not a lot of "showing", which for a graphic novel kind of defeats the point. It found it's feet around chapter 3, and i did thoroughly enjoy it after that. I admit at 27 I'm probably not the target market but lines such as "she's so woke", "more likes than a Kardashian" had me cringing.