A review by lindaunconventionalbookworms
Touch & Go by Mira Lyn Kelly


This review was originally posted on (un)Conventional Bookviews
Touch & Go is extremely hot, and I loved how Sam and Ava had been friends since they were kids, both of them hanging on to their friendship when their hormones told them there could be much more for them in store.

Review - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Touch & Go is one of the best friends to lovers romances I have ever had the pleasure of reading! Sam and Ava had chemistry galore, but they were both hiding behind their long friendship, until that just wasn't possible anymore. When Sam agreed to be Ava's 'date' to a party at her workplace, to keep a colleague from continuing to try to pick her up, they shared one of the hottest kisses in history, and let's just say one thing led to another... But Ava still didn't tell Sam she was in love with him, and had been since she was a little girl. And Sam continued to see his best friend in front of him, even when she pushed all the right buttons when they were having hot sex.

As they continued living out their fantasies, it became more difficult for Ava to keep her heart uninvolved, though, even if I strongly believe her heart was fully engaged from the start. Sam had no interest in other women, even if he usually was a notorious one-night-stand man. Touch & Go also included very strong friendships, where Ava, her brother and their best friends all lived in the same building. This, of course, made things difficult when Ava realized she was never, ever going to get over Sam if she continued to live so close to him. And her life-long dream of getting married, having children, and be with a man who looked at her with love was not something she wanted to let go of.

Written in third person point of view, past tense, but with lots of dialogues, Touch & Go enters the minds of both Ava and Sam, and I really got to know both of them well over the span of the story. And the sweetness of their friendship was just as good as the hotness of their romance, even when Sam continued to be more or less clueless when it came to how much Ava truly wanted from him. If you enjoy friends to lovers in your romances, Touch & Go is definitely a must read! It's extremely well done, my heart is soaring, and I'm fully satisfied while still kind of wanting a little more - but that's only because I'm very greedy.


Fave Quotes - (un)Conventional Bookviews

I have so many quotes to choose from it's not even funny!! I'm only sharing three, though, as there really should be some of the story left for you to read yourself ;)

At least not in the context he knew her, anyway. Close as they were - and that was damned close - Ava's sex life was the one place Sam didn't dare to tread, so he didn't know what that mouth of hers was capable of, and he'd made it a lifetime habit not to find out.

Because it would be stupid to hope for Sam to be uncomfortable after a kiss that didn't mean anything. To wish that maybe he'd feel like things couldn't just seamlessly slide back into place. To disrupt a norm she'd spent the majority of her life conditioning herself to accept.

She'd have his friendship, his easy smile and dumb jokes and downtime hanging out watching stupid movies that made them both laugh themselves silly. She'd have what she'd always cherished. Just shy of everything. Something no kiss was worth giving up.