A review by michalice
Fairy Metal Thunder by J.L. Bryan


Jason, Mitch, Dred and Erin are all members of the Assorted Zebras.

Jason chases after a goblin, Grizlemor, who has stolen his mother's jewellery, and ends up following him into Fairy Land, where he sees a group of musicians playing amazing music. Struck with an idea, Jason decides to steal their instruments for his band mates and himself and takes them back to human world.

The instruments not only have the ability to change to the players needs, e.g. from harp to piano, but also to draw in crowds. Fame has never come so easy to the Assorted Zebras, but it doesn't all go as planned and soon they are hiding from a hunter looking for the instruments, and fighting off a unicorn.

Although I do have a copy of Jenny Pox for my kindle app on my pc I had not got around to reading it before I started Fairy Metal Thunder. From the minute I started reading Fairy Metal Thunder I found myself really enjoying it and was so engrossed in the book that I was disappointed to see it come to an end.

I really enjoyed J.L. Bryans writing style. Each character has their own personality, and it was easy to fall in love with them all and their own little quirks. The world created for Fairy Land was easy to imagine, not only the world itself but also the inhabitants and thier homes, mot importantly were the unicorns which I adored.

I loved how the Assorted Zebras rocketed to fame imeediately and would have loved to have seen their concert, and although I disagreed with some decisions they made, especially about keeping the instruments, I am really looking forward to what they get up to in the next book.