A review by kitsuneheart
God, No! Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical Tales by Penn Jillette


Oh. Hell. (Which doesn't exist!) Yes.

I picked up this audiobook in conjunction with Penn's second book on atheism, "Every Day is an Atheist Holiday," the second of which I have not yet listened to. However, I most definitely will be listening to it ASAP, since this book just made my day amazing.

And it was a day. I listened to the entire audiobook in one go, it was impossible to stop. After growing up in a nominally Christian family, which has become WAY MORE Christian in the last few years, even as I developed into atheism, it was really nice to finally hear some thoughts on a life without gods. Unapologetically atheist Penn rails not only against hard-and-fast religion (and not just Christianity, having a lovely section on helping a Jewish fan lose his bacon virginity), but also wishy-washy agnosticism. Interspersed are stories from his life which have nothing DIRECTLY to do with atheism, but which show the reader how a life without some omnipotent being can still be fulfilling and, in fact, is far more precious.

Penn's reading is perfection. You can tell he STILL enjoys the stories he tells in this book, and he will have you laughing in public at several points. Such as his foray into a bath house. Ah, rejection. Such a hard thing.

A great gift to send in return for those lovely crosses and Bibles and kitschy quotes that sometimes come your way. :p