A review by snowcrash
Dead Six by Mike Kupari, Larry Correia


I like books that are true to what they say the story is about. I get after books that fail this simple criteria. _Dead Six_ is a book that is exactly as it says it is. A combat thriller that strives for accuracy of gear, place and characters.

With _Dead Six_ you get two main characters that are more similar than different. The authors have written it from first person points of view of both characters. This can be a little weird in the beginning and as the two characters keep running into each other. But it works. The characters are talking to you, especially with Lorenzo. His quips and observations are humorous, even at one point saying something is none of the reader’s business to know.

The plot is long, though linear. At one point there was as logical conclusion, a set up for the next book. But you know there is more as there were 200 pages to go. Yep, what is about half a book for other authors is the conclusion/climax for this one (but it works). But the book didn't feel stretched out or long winded. It did keep me up at night, as I didn't want to put it down until the current gun battle was over. There are lots of them and all highly detailed.

This is a book about war and the use of military contractors to further the aims of governments. It is about what happens to those whose everyday experience is that of combat. But don't expect it to be more than that. _Dead Six_ is a thriller. Think of it as a more accurate action movie that just doesn't stop. The weapons are real, used in real ways and with real limitations. The characters move and act in believable ways in as small team operators. As it is a thriller, the characters can take a lot of abuse and still continue on. That long conclusion has a lot of coinsidences that start to stretch credibility, but if you go with it, the explination works. Just don't look too deep.

I liked the character of Lorenzo more than that of Valentine. Lorenzo is a thief and assassin who steals only from other bad people. As he puts it, they deserve it and they have more money. He is more complex and always has a little surprise. He cares, but in his own way. Which can be difficult to fully understand. But it works.

If you are someone who is looking for a well written thriller that doesn’t stop, that understands action, this is your book. If you don’t like violence, graphic depictions of bullet and knife damage and swearing, this isn’t your book. Think John Woo’s Hong Kong films (The Killer is referenced within the book). If you like that kind of relentless action, _Dead Six_ will work for you. Remember, the book isn’t trying to be anything but what it is. For that, I like it. I saw there are two more, so those will go onto my list.