A review by octavia_cade
Sacrifice of Angels by Diane Carey

adventurous tense fast-paced


Fast-paced and adventurous. It's been a while since I've seen the DS9 episodes that this novelisation is based on, but as I read the book more and more of the scenes came to mind. They really were a great run of episodes... I'm struck, though, as I read, at how abrupt the victory at the end of the story is. I can't quite call it unearned, as all the characters - and the rest of the Federation, as well as the Klingons - are slogging their guts out trying to win the war. Their efforts, however, in practical storytelling terms, are basically there to set up the intervention of the wormhole aliens. It's a very literal deus ex machina, and I'm not sure that I appreciate it. I am sure that I appreciate Sisko's absolute frustration with the wormhole aliens, because their vague meanderings irritate me as well... that kind of portentous dialogue is frequently a very hard sell with me, and the wormhole aliens always get stuck with the worst of it.

I have to say, though, Sisko's a better person than I, in that he can still feel sorry for Dukat at the end. I sure as hell don't. Someone should have quietly shot him in the back of the head when he was weeping over his daughter's body, and good riddance to him. I suppose that behaviour isn't really Star Trek, though, is it.