A review by sandiet
An American Marriage by Tayari Jones


This was a powerful read on what truly makes a marriage sustainable. Roy and Celestial have been married for less than 2 years when he is arrested for rape and sentenced to 12 years in prison. He is innocent but that makes no difference to the small town police and he and Celestial are left trying to figure out a way to make the best of the situation. Tayari Jones tells an impactful story that is not so much an indictment on the judicial system in the US (it would have been very easy to make it about this); but this book is more about how much stress a marriage can take especially one that hasn't yet really stood the test of time. Varying viewpoints tell the story and I really appreciated seeing everyone's point of view.m I had the benefit of listening to the audiobook (voices were perfect) while reading along and that helped me to take in every word. I highly recommend reading An American Marriage and I'll be seeking out more from this author.