A review by quirkybibliophile
Cursed by Karol Ruth Silverstein


I really enjoy how angry Ricky is at the world and how sometimes she even recognizes that her anger is misplaced. I know that this can sometimes throw you off as a reader but more me it made me find her relatable. She reminded me of having to go through multiple doctors and many tears before someone finally realized that the problem was asthma and that it wasn't going away.

I love when she doesn't want her arthritis to keep her from enjoying things and how hard she tries to keep doing things even if she's in pain. In addition to this I love how she keeps thinking of others as brave and how this book shows her looking at other people with disabilities because I think that's very realistic. This book does a great job at portraying the different levels in identity development when it comes to disability and it reminded me of my process through that.

Something that I loved and couldn't get enough of was the friendship between Ricky and Oliver, and the relationship between Ricky and her public speaking teacher. Oliver and Ricky, WOW those two made me laugh, cry, and smile. I love the complexity and simpleness of their friendship and how that develops over time and becomes much more than just a friendship due to understanding pain.