A review by the_jesus_fandom
Lord Tony's Wife by Baroness Orczy


Lol Lord Tony has bad taste, RTC

Okay, the review:
So, I was so glad this book finally addressed the way the aristocracy really oppressed the peasants. The first part was about a village that was basically starving because of taxation, etc. And obviously any misstep would be punished by hanging. The Duc the Kernogan and his daughter do not come across as nice at all. The Duc hangs an innocent man, and Yvonne is rude to her driver. The book establishes she has been taught to see peasants as little more than animals. I feel like the author almost excuses it by saying "well yeah but that's how she's been taught!" Okay, still don't like her.
Obviously, the author had to make the villain who is out for revenge a nasty piece of work in some way, so he
SpoilerSA's Yvonne

The Duc never once feels regret for his actions. At one point, the villain is monologuing (and the book calls it half-crazed, even when he really makes excellent points) and the duc realises he killed the villain's father years ago. Not once does he feel regret! He only feels regret about the fact that his own stupidity caused all this, not any of his other terrible actions.

Other stuff:
- Poor children labelled as "tiny, miserable atoms of humanity". They're children, ma'am.
- Poor women: "There was no individuality amongst them - just one uniform sisterhood of wretchedness which had already gone hand in hand with crime"
- Yvonne is really stupid.
SpoilerShe gets led to an inn by some stranger, who she has actually been dating for months, and she doesn't recognise him?

- According to the author, Breton peasants have an "innate rapacity"
- Yvonne really tries to calm down a crowd by telling them "I am poor and wretched like yourselves" Like girlllllll the audacity
SpoilerSomeone actually dies in this! I gotta say I love that, I was waiting for the SP to finally not have complete success, it changed things up.

- Yvonne really
Spoilerfalls unconscious at the most inconvenient time. It's so annoying and stupid. It wasn't scary enough for that! And it also just makes her even more useless. As a lot of women are in these books, haha.

- The author still maintains the government agents are in this because they actually care about the revolution. Clearly they're in it for their egos.
- The French Commandant Fleury really got the bad end of the deal... I just kinda wonder how many people lost their heads directly because of the SP
- I love this insult: "you old noodle"
- This was sweet: "Now for Le Croisic and the Day-Dream, sighed the daring adventurer contentedly. ... and for Marguerite! he added wistfully."