A review by taylorfennerwrites
Love Beyond Opposites by Molly E. Lee


Review Originally Posted On: Taylor Fenner's Bookish World

Jade Aaron is a mathlete, a nerd, the type of girl Lennon Pryor would never in a million years be interested in - or so she thinks. With gradation coming up she can't wait to get to UCLA and be able to pursue the art degree her mother thinks is a waste of time. She should be pursuing a more logical degree in mathematics. But just once Jade wants to live a little. Starting with attending Lennon Pryor's graduation bash.

Lennon Pryor has his eye on the prize, he's thisclose to signing a record deal for his band with a label that will extend their three-month tour opening for the BlackHats and get them an album. He doesn't have time to start a relationship he'll just end up abandoning. But he can't stop thinking about Jade Aaron, the girl he's wanted to be with since the first time he saw her freshman year.

It's graduation night, and it will be a wild, life changing ride.

I really loved this book. When I requested it I didn't realize it was the third book in (what I believe is) a trilogy but this book can be read as a standalone. I love any book where the male main character is a rock star and this book shows Lennon on the brink of stardom and not wanting to miss out on the girl he's always wanted.

I loved that Jade was an artist who was working on a graphic novel, it made her such a cool character. Jade's mother, on the other hand, was so out of line in the beginning trying to discourage Jade's passion. I hate parent characters like that but it seems to be a popular trope.

This book is a fun, fast read. I devoured it in an afternoon on a snow day and the time flew by.

Overall, this book is perfect for anyone looking for a quick, cute read about getting a chance with someone you never thought would be interested in you.