A review by ameserole
The President by Miguel Ángel Asturias


Read this for a specific challenge and it ended up being an okay book.

The President was an interesting choice for me. Not that it was a classic or anything, because I do dive into those once in a blue moon. In a weird way, it didn't feel like a classic to me. I get that it was written a long time ago but the story line felt so familiar to me. Probably because so many YA books are kind of set like this.

In it, you will read about an assassination attempt... but then the bad guy falls for the daughter "unexpectedly". Ha, yeah right. Then this kind of reminded me of Romeo and Juliet.. because the romance was a bit on the forbidden side. Add a dash of tragedy and it's basically a play/movie.

Besides all of that goodness, a LOT happens in this book. A lot more than I expected but it made the book just a bit more interesting. Whether it was the prostitution for women.. or ya know torturing babies for shits and giggles. It was a lot for my poor eyes to take in. I am still shocked about some of the things that happened. My eyes were definitely bugging out of my head with this book.. and I was probably getting judged by everyone that saw me.

Overall, it was an eye opener and I sort of couldn't put it down. Glad I took a chance on this random ass book.