A review by bergamotandbooks
The Finders: A Mystery by Jeffrey B. Burton



Mason "Mace" Reid lives on the outskirts of Chicago and specializes in human remains detection. He trains dogs to hunt for the dead. Reid’s adopts a rescue dog with a mysterious past—a golden retriever named Vira. And when he begins training Vira as a cadaver dog, he comes to realize just how special the newest addition to his family truly is…

Suddenly, Reid and his prize pupil find themselves hurled into a taxing murder case, which will push them to their very limits. Paired with determined Chicago Police Officer Kippy Gimm, Mace must put all his trust in Vira's abilities to thwart a serial killer who has now set his sights on Mace himself.


Okay, I wanted so badly to love this book. It has a little bit of everything in it: thrills, serial killers, dogs who sniff out dead bodies (!!)....but unfortunately something about it just didn't work for me. I think this was definitely a case of "it's me not the book" because I didn't have any major issues with the writing, plot or characters. However, this was fairly heavy on the police procedural aspect and I know that this is not something i usually enjoy (case and point, the 2 stars.) That being said, I did enjoy the small tidbits of cadaver science sprinkled in and I was rooting for Mace and Vira the whole time!

THE FINDERS is a well written, heart pounding police procedural that is guaranteed to hook many readers within the first few pages! Plus one of the main characters is a bad-ass corpse sniffing prodigy dog. What's not to love?!

Thank you to the author, Netgalley and the publisher for my ARC. THE FINDERS is out June 20th!