A review by cassie_the_weird
Inked by Eric Smith


Initial Review
Probably more of a 2.5.

Well, that was ridiculous. Thank goodness it was short.

Almost Full review

For full review (including live-tweets from while I was reading) click here.

The Short Version:

First things first: everyone ignore the synopsis. It doesn't mean anything.

Second, I did not like this book. This book made me angry. Of all 191 pages, I think I enjoyed 15 of them all up.


The Long Version:

I mean, it could have been so awesome. But I think the majority of my problems with this book stem from the basic lack of an obvious plot. I mean, I was at page 100, and the story still felt like it was just starting.

We also missed a lot of stuff. I mean, at the beginning, they were walking for days, and it just got skipped over like it was nothing.

I tell you, it made connecting with the characters very difficult.

It also didn't help that everything just felt so...random. I mean, I've read books where the characters don't know what they're doing before, but there was something about this that felt ridiculous.

And I'm just going to stop there.

In Conclusion:

Basically, I did not like this book. And that's all there really is to say.

I must say, though. I am actually curious: did anyone like this book? I've seen some 5 star ratings on goodreads, and if you liked it I would legitimately like to know why.

Not in a mean way, or anything. I'm just curious...seeing as different people often have different opinions.