A review by joelrsundquist
Attack From the '80s by Eugene Johnson


This book was to DIE FOR. As cliché as that is. Whatever. I like clichés.

This book has a great range of stories from the time of the 80's and I had a BLAST reading it. Stories in places from Junkyards to movie sets to the streets on a Halloween night.

The neon colors and fluffy hair really shows itself in this book. I can feel it when I read it. The two stories that begin this collection start it off with a BANG. Top Guns and Snapshot are devilishly fun and gruesome stories. Some of my favorite authors are in here --such as Grady Hendrix with a little Halloween tale, the ending of which floored me -- to Jeff Strand with a cursed boombox that sticks to your face. Stephanie Wytovich's story I knew would be intense because I know her work, and lordy was it ever.

You will have fun and laugh, you will be disgusted, but by the end you will sigh in relief because you are proud that you finished this book without becoming too deranged...maybe. I would tell anyone to read this book. If you have any love of horror, or the 80's, this is it, my hair-metal, neonspandex-laden friends. It's a riot.