A review by crookedtreehouse
X-O Manowar, Volume 12: Long Live the King by Robert Venditti


I thought this was a fairly disappointing end to a solid series. It wasn't written terribly, it just felt very anti-climactic. The last couple of volumes seemed poised for a battle between humans, The Vine, and The Plantlings. And right at the end of the previous volume they introduced a new threat.

In this volume the threat keeps getting discussed as a major world-ending threat, but it never seems interesting. They kind of reminded me of the Eternal sized Ignore Me robot from Venture Bros. I didn't particularly buy how quickly the Plantling Vines were willing to team up with the humans to fight the threat, and the whole resolution felt lazy and out-of-step with the previous volumes.

Again this isn't terrible, it's just not of the same caliber of the volumes that came before it. It's not Lost bad or Battlestar Galactica bad, just kind of Angel (the Buffy spin-off) unsatisfying.