A review by carlacbarroso
Last of the Wilds by Trudi Canavan


It has the same problems as the previous volume and the story seemed to be even more slowly developed, with parts that seemed not to contribute at all to the great picture - Imi's part for example was one I usually found myself to be bored with and really don't see how it will matter. Still there are a couple of characters that I do like to follow, Emerahl and Mirar, and Auraya surprised me. Me thinking she was another Mary Sue like Ayla ("I can fly! I understand languages! I can heal! I'm perfect in every way! I'm dating a god!") and then she goes and defies the gods. You go girl! The worldbuilding isn't as intense but we do have glimpses of this world history and it is intriguing. Why do the gods hate Immortals so much? What are the voids? What is Mirar's real threat to the gods? Are the gods in the north be the same in the south?! If yes, why the war? I do have some suspicions (can the souls be linked to all this? Do the gods need the immortal souls of humans to linger on?) but hopefully the conclusion will answer all those questions.