A review by powisamy
Truth or Dare by Non Pratt


I just devoured this book in one sitting! Full review to come.

Book Review:

Non Pratt is quickly becoming one of my go-to UKYA authors as I find her books so enjoyable and entertaining. Truth or Dare is no exception being a fast-paced and all round enjoyable read.

I had been anticipating Truth or Dare for a long time before its release and when it came out I picked it up in an evening knowing that I was going to have a good time. Saying this, although I knew that I would enjoy the story I didn't expect to love it as much as I did.

I was captivated by the first part of the story and I ended up reading the whole book in one evening because I was so invested in the story. I did, however, find that I wasn't as in love with the second part of the story as I don't think that it went the way that I thought it would. This did not hinder my overall experience.

The really liked the characters in the book and found them relatable and fleshed out. I also love that this book features an asexual character in Seren and it was a good representation as this is something that I like to see in books being ace myself.

I did really like the plot it did keep me interested and I especially like that it was centred around a Youtube channel that did magically blow up overnight because I am pretty sure that this would not happen in real life. I do also like how this was handled in the book.
The Verdict:

Truth or Dare is a great UKYA novel that is a standout and reflects the digital age perfectly.