A review by nicolemhewitt
Batgirl at Super Hero High by Lisa Yee


This review and many more can be found on my blog: Feed Your Fiction Addiction

These books are so incredibly adorable and fun. My daughter loves the high school take on superheroes, and I have to admit that I kind of love them too.

What Fed My Addiction:

Girl genius.
Unlike most of the other super heroes, Batgirl is just an ordinary girl—with extraordinary smarts. Her tech savvy makes her special and it gives her an edge that the other supers don’t have.

A sense of belonging.
Batgirl has doubts about her ability to fit in at Super Hero High even though she has friends there. She doesn’t know if she can be a “real” super hero since she doesn’t have any innate abilities. She can’t keep up with the other students in a lot of areas (especially gym, where there are some pretty high expectations of super heroes!). She has to learn to rely on and trust her strengths and not worry so much about her weaknesses. It’s a tough lesson that’s not easily learned.

Family troubles.
Batgirl isn’t the only person who’s afraid that she might not be cut out for Super Hero High. She has a bit of an uphill battle because she has to convince her dad that she belongs there too. He just wants to keep her safe because he’s afraid to lose her, but she wants to follow in his footsteps and fight crime. I loved the close relationship between Barbara (Batgirl) and her dad.

What Left Me Hungry for More:

My least favorite part of the book was the competition and how it all played out. Batgirl’s logic when it came to her feelings about the results didn’t make a lot of sense to me (I won’t say what it was since that would be a spoiler). But the competition and the results became central to the rest of the book, so it all ended up being necessary for the plot. (There were a couple of other minor inconsistencies, but I often give those a little more leeway in MG books. My daughter didn’t seem to see any lapses in logic.)

Overall, I thought this was another fun installment of a fantastic series for MG girls. My daughter and I will definitely be keeping up with it!

I give this one 4/5 stars.

***Disclosure: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own.***