A review by pattydsf
Life Would Be Perfect If I Lived in That House by Meghan Daum


This book crossed my desk at work because it was no longer in our catalog. Never mind the fact that it is non-fiction and none of my concern. It appeared, and once again a book cover caught my attention. So I put it in my pile for the beach.

The cover was still of interest when I started my marathon beach reading and it went in my beach bag. Meghan Daum is a funny, captivating writer, so sitting on the beach with her company was no hardship. I found her story amusing, but also disconcerting. I just could not relate.

It is not that I have trouble with her need for a home. I have no argument with being caught up with finding your place in the world either. I found the tale of her family fascinating and would have loved to have met her mother.

I just could not grasp why a particular house could be so important. Don't get me wrong, I love the house where we make our home and my husband and I looked at a lot of houses until we found the right one. I just don't feel about houses the way Daum does. Of course, since I did not go through the housing boom as she did, that might play a big part.

I have often said that I read to learn more, find new worlds. From that perspective, Daum met my every desire. Unfortunately, her story did not resonate for me as I expected. The lack of connection is all on my part. Sometimes a book and reader are not quite compatible and this was one of those times.

I don't hesitate to recommend this book to others since it is a good book though not aimed at me. Folks who regularly have house lust, people who can laugh about the housing boom and bust and those who might relate to Daum in other ways will like this book. I hope they find it.