A review by renpuspita
Wishes and Sorrows (Myth and Magic) by Cindy Lynn Speer


3,5 stars

I never think at the first place that Wishes and Sorrow is an anthology, because when I request this one, I strucked by the haunting, eerie yet beautiful cover. When I read the first page, there are some introduction from Ms Speer about her short stories in this anthology. I read some, then decide to pass it because I don't want to be spoiled.

Wishes and Sorrows have 14 fantasy, urban fantasy and fairy tale re-telling short stories (with 1 is not story, more like research). All have "wishes" and "sorrow" themes that tied all the short stories. Some told from 3rd POV and some were from 1st POV. All the story focused on the women as the main characters with some have "Happy Ever After", some "Happily for Now", some have frustating cliffhanger and some end in the tragedy. Wow, such a rich collection, rite?

Of course not all short stories I love. My favorite are The Bell Witch and Queen of Vines, Every Word I Speak, A Necklace of Rubies and But Can You Let Him Go.

The Bell Witch and Queen of Vines is more like simple fantasy but I like how the heroine choose her own HEA and not damsel in distress that waiting for a knight in shining armor to save her. Quite opposite actualy.

Every Word I Speak is when a gift going awry. We often read a fairy tale when the poor main character gifted by some fairy and then live happily ever after. This is one of the "what if" scenario, what if the gift more like a curse?

A Necklace of Rubies is gory, full of mystery and also have gothic vibe. I almost afraid this will end in tragedy, but the ending is superb! I would love to read this one in full length novel because the premise is unique. This one is a retold of Mr Fox and Bluebeard fairy tale.

But Can You Let Him Go? make me confused at first. Then with each story flowing told by some unnamed fairy, I realize that this is a retold of Cinderella fairy tale. What make this short story unique is how we will get the root of the tale, from an ancient civilization then to Egypt, Chinese, Ireland and then to our poor maiden Cinderella. All told from the "fairy godmother" view who in a quest to redeem herself for fallin' to the "prince" that supposed to marry "Cinderella".

Short stories like One Hundreed Eight Degrees, The Fortunate Ones, The Jester Heart, The Tower in the Desert, the Train and I am The Grey Lady are just okay for me, not memorable. While Remember, What Will I Do When the Dream is Over and The Taste of Cherries don't make sense at all. Remember is..what, I don't know what the story about, while Will I Do more like mediocre urban fantasy stories. The Taste of Cherries is more like a closing for a collection, an absurd short about longing.

I really like what Ms Speer deliver in this collection. Not all good, but I love her voice, especially when she write in 1st POV. Her take to the fairy tale is unique and even some don't end in HEA, still remarkable. I would love to read more of her work other than from this collection offered. If you like unusual fantasy and fairy tale retold, Wishes and Sorrow is a must read for you

e-ARC provided by NetGalley for honest review