A review by ericbuscemi
Batman: Heart of Hush by Dustin Nguyen, Paul Dini, Derek Fridolfs


Between [b:Batman: Hush|6375845|Batman Hush|Jeph Loeb|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1342295000s/6375845.jpg|16256422] and this loose sequel, Bruce Wayne childhood friend Tommy Elliot / Batman nemesis Hush is quickly becoming one of my favorite Batman adversaries.

If you are able to suspend your disbelief regarding Selina Kyle being kept alive while her heart is ripped out of her chest -- which is made slightly more plausible thanks to cameos from Mr. Freeze and Doctor Mid-Nite -- as well as the intense revenge motivations of Tommy Elliot -- which is elucidated in a few brief flashbacks -- you are in for a fun ride with some wonderful elements packed into it.

There are cameos from multiple members of Batman's Rogue's Gallery, including what has to be the best Joker cameo of all time, nods to other villains, such as Bane, as well as a great nod to longtime Batman fans in the Batcave finale, where various Batmobiles through the years can be seen.

A definite must read for Batman fans, although I would recommend starting with Hush's first appearance.