A review by nicolet2018
Broken Angels by Graham Masterton


Wow Graham Masterton's crime thrillers are really addictive! I found this one particularly interesting because it involved the church in Ireland and misconduct among priests.

Similar to previous books, this one had excitement, thrills and chilling scenes. Especially those where the victim is with the murderer. I really cannot imagine how someone can to this kind of things to others or for a person to be able to endure so much pain.

The motive seemed expected at first but Katie McGuire proves it wrong as she delves into the secrets and cover ups of the diocese in Cork. The scary thing is, it feels very real. The story ramps up and things never seem to slow down for Katie as she faces drama in her personal life and at work. She has tough decisions to make and I wonder how she can stand it sometimes. I was racing to the end to find out what actually had happened.

What irked me was that like other books, many people seem to be romantically interested in Katie. In this book alone there were two or three. Seems odd to me and a little unrealistic.

Another well written crime thriller. Recommended!