A review by imrogers
The Geek's Guide to Dating by Eric Smith


Dating advice books come in many shapes and forms, and while much of the guidance in The Geek's Guide to Dating can be found in other dating books (many of which are more relevant in today's online dating landscape), few, if any include such excellent wordplay, references, and discussions based on characters from geek pop culture.

The result is an incredibly entertaining book that's fun to read as Smith relays each stage of the geek dating world through a different geek premise. The book itself is also impressively illustrated and designed, with a sleek hardcover version, cool dust jacket, and an 8-bit theme that prevents it from feeling dated.

Most importantly, though, is that Smith treats his geek reader with compassion at every step of the way, because dating is hard, breakups suck, and the dating scene can be a confusing and overwhelming place. More than any other dating book I've seen, Smith clearly gets that and is honest about it, and I wish this was something I'd been able to read in high school.