A review by toellethebooks
The Glass Lake by Maeve Binchy


Second Maeve Binchy book I read after Evening Class. I got hooked by her storytelling in that book and just found myself buying more of her works.

I usually hate it when a novel has tons of characters in it but Maeve always has that magic where even though there are numerous characters, she can always keep them in check, and have brilliant character developments at that. This was the same with the Evening Class. Also, her stories always has this sense of community wherein everyone knows about everyone and that makes her works really gossipy yet heartwarming.

One thing I found disappointing is the part about Sister Madeleine. I just felt like the mystery around her should have been unfolded a bit more. I mean, her story did make the entire novel more unique and realistic because almost every community does have someone mysterious and hermitty like her but I felt there could have been more to it, you know?

Anyway, I will definitely read more of her books.