A review by willwork4airfare
Being a Girl by Hayley Long


Overall it was a pretty sweet book, not overly condescending and it had a lot of really good and important information that I think young girls should have. It made real attempts to be inclusive as far as sexuality and gender go, but didn’t do quite enough in my opinion. It definitely focused on cis gender and heterosexual as the norm, but at least acknowledged that that isn’t for everyone and did have a general message of, be whoever you are, there’s plenty of room in the world for all of us.

The chapter on sex was actually mostly sweet and I thought well-handled, though her information on the morning after pill is outdated, at least in Florida, by this time (though I had an ARC). It doesn’t require a medical visit or prescription for anyone over 15. I think the information was smart but I don’t want it to be a scare tactic to girls who need the morning after pill. I actually really loved the little safe sex game/riddle break in the chapter, I don’t know if that makes me really lame but it was a fun way to make your mind start working while also thinking about the possible consequences of unsafe sex.

I’ve never read a book geared toward teen girls that talked about sexism or called gender inequality by name rather than just base examples of it, so that was impressive. I loved the chapter on becoming a woman, about struggle being a part of life, and working hard on the “training ground” of adolescence to put effort into the person you someday want to be!

The text and the style of writing and formatting made it a quick and easy to read and digest. There could be some improvements, but it was a solid book and I’d consider buying it for some younger (maybe 10-13) girls in my life.

*I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.*