A review by whatthefawkes
Apprentice in Death by J.D. Robb


For more reviews visit THE BOOKSHELF CLUB

I received this arc from the publisher in exchange for a review.

I will always be in awe of this series and the journey it has come, remaining a tightly plotted and action-packed series with superb character development and a writing style that never seems to falter. In other words, Robb knows how to write a book well, damn well, and goddamn well. You know you'll always be in for a kicker.

Apprentice in Death is the 43rd instalment of this series, and one fans won't be disappointed with. Apprentice in Death follows the hunt for a Long-Distance Serial Killer (LDSK) that targets - what on the surface appears to be - random civilians, but Eve senses a deeper motive behind the killings. She must familiarise herself with the weapon, search for a motive beneath a pile of bodies and end this spree before there has been too much loss of life.

Robb somehow has a knack for making us forget that this is a series set 50+ years in the future. The crime evidenced in this book is one that makes you have to stop and breathe. A crime that could potentially be perceived as one of the most deadly in the series as its one that you'd never see coming until its over. For many victims, there was no motive. No one had ordered their death. They were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Murder like that, I find, is murder that's often too hard to swallow. Life taken for no other reason than to be taken, to make an impact, a number on a tally.

There are a number of scenes littered throughout this instalment between Eve and a number of characters that will truly warm your heart and remind you why you fell in love with all of these characters to begin with. They are squad goals. Every last one of them.

Apprentice In Death will keep you intrigued with the complexity of its plot. Have you turning the pages as quickly as your eyes can digest every last word, anticipating every move, waiting for the final showdown. And once you've finished, you'll retreat quietly into Post-In Death depression, counting down the days until February 7th, 2017.