A review by alyssaindira
Devil's Kiss by Sarwat Chadda


Hey guys, so I just finished Devil's Kiss by Sarwat Chadda, and well...it definitely wasnt what I expected. After getting over my initial shock, I came to see that the novel was filled with heartbreaking betrayals, earth shattering lies, stunning action, and several villains bound within the pages. Honestly, I dunno which one I hate more. I think it's a tie between her father Michael. But to tell you the truth, the entire thing just felt like a freaking episode from Supernatural, I was just waiting for Sam and Dean to come in, salt ablazing. But it also felt darker somehow? Like, this novel had so much death and destruction, it was like people were dying left and right. I learned more about supernatural creatures than I particularly cared to. Also, I aint sure what kind of mythology or folk lore the author involved. Is there like christian myths or something? With all the tales of dark angels and twisted Biblical history, along with the usual, werewolves, vampires, ghuls, demons, etc. Seriously, I really wonder if this author got his inspiration from Supernatural, especially when the devil came to play. One, I kept picturing Lucifer from Supernatural, two, I thought about Crowley and how he was normally the ones that made deals with people. ANyway....umm....it did have a touch of romance, but that quickly ended when she found out who her "boyfriend" was. Then the second person she kissed....yeah...BIllie seems to have bad luck with men, lets put it that way. Ha, kinda like how Sam has bad luck with women. I probably wont be reading the second book in this series, Dark Goddess.