A review by see_sadie_read
Dragons Prefer Blondes by Candace Havens


I almost didn't bother with this second Caruthers Sisters book since I was so disappointed with The Demon King and I. But in the end I'm glad I did. Dragons Prefer Blonds was much better. Possibly simply because much of the premise was established in book one so more of the story could be dedicated to Alex and her adventures and less to describing the family's basic awesomeness.

I still felt like there was some shaky plotting going on. Bailey was said to have invented so much that I was left wondering if previous Guardian Keys fought with stone axes and pointy sticks. Despite it being stated numerous times that there were other Guardians, and even two of them showcased here, it felt like the Caruthers fought all alone. No one else ever seemed to be called to council meetings and such--things like that.

I also liked Alex. She was a bloodthirsty heroine and I could appreciate that. She did pull a couple stupid female stunts...turning around so fast she tripped over her own feet and fell into the rock hard chest of her heart throb, etc. I mean really, who does that? That stuff always annoys me. But I liked how willing to storm into battle she was and that she chose the human over the paranormal hotly. That's unusual, though it does bring the title into question.

I also thought that, while not absent, the family's social life wasn't played so heavily here. So I was more able to concentrate on the good versus evil aspect of the story. Though, it did feel unfinished in the end. Sure they killed the presumed leader of the kidnapping ring, but that seemed a drop in the pond compared to the evil at work on the whole. I guess that's what the rest of the series is for. The problem is that, while the reader is told how horrible it is, we don't see much of it.

Final say: not as bad a book one, not topping my most-loved list, but not a bomb either. It's a fun enough bit of fluff.