A review by wasauthor
Dragons of a Different Tail: 17 Unusual Dragon Tales by Marx Pyle


I received an advance reader copy of [b:Dragons of a Different Tail: 17 Unusual Dragon Tales|59611087|Dragons of a Different Tail 17 Unusual Dragon Tales|Marx Pyle|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1636827097l/59611087._SY75_.jpg|93877435] for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

As the full title suggests, Dragons of a Different Tail does, indeed, include seventeen unusual stories about dragons. Instead of high fantasy stories most people associate with dragons, instead this features stories set during the past, in the present day, the future, in alternate worlds and through the entire cosmos.

Each of these stories are distinct from one another, gathered in this collection under one umbrella: dragons. Dragons that are majestic, dragons that are brutal, dragons that are tiny, in stories that range between dark and humerous, as well as those that are both.

The seventeen stories included in the collection are largely great. As you would expect in any anthology, though, they didn't all resonate with me, but that's fine. At no point is this the fault of the authors, as each story is written incredibly well, and edited just as tightly. While everyone's mileage on these individual stories will vary, there is plenty for you to enjoy.

The last ten percent of the book (having read the Kindle version, I can't say how many pages this equates to, exactly) is dedicated to supplemental material, where a number of the authors involved discuss the stories, and how they came about. This is a great bit of extra material.

I recommend this highly, unless you have a strong dislike of dragon stories. Even then, if your distaste comes from certain genres, you will likely find a lot to enjoy.

My full review will be available on my website from 4 March 2022. To read it, with my thoughts about each of these stories (not to mention my other reviews), click here.