A review by ameserole
Models Don't Eat Chocolate Cookies by Erin Dionne


Models Don't Eat Chocolate Cookies was hilarious! Celeste was my everything! I'm sure if I was a die hard oreo fan I'd be in that pageant right beside her. Screw the people at her school for making fun of her just because of her weight. Kids are cruel.

Okay so this pageant if for plus-size models and since she is already made fun of constantly by classmates she really doesn't want them to find out about this. Celeste decides to go on a diet. Oh lord, those things are hard.. and for a kid?!? Ridiculous!

Besides the hangryness from no oreos, Celeste eventually loses one of her best friends to her nemesis. UGH! Girls are so cruel some times. Oh, and the teasing hasn't stopped either. I hated the mean girl bit and all of the bullying towards this one girl. Celeste was the sweetest thing! Who cares if she has a slight obsession with Oreos!?!? Shoot, I don't care. I would've been her best friend for life. Fuck the haters!

In the end, Celeste found out who her true friends were. She also emerged out of this experience as a beautiful butterfly. She became way more confident in who she was as a person. I loved it. I loved her. Yes, she lost weight but it was in a healthy way. Plus, she learned to stand up for herself at such a young age. Honestly, she's my hero for doing all of this in 8th grade. I don't even know what I was doing in that grade but it definitely wasn't that.