A review by stefhyena
Machine Sex: And Other Stories by Candas Jane Dorsey


These stories were weird to the point where it was a slow and hard-working read. Many were dystopian, usually without the redeeming feature or happy ending. I liked that the gender and sexuality identity in them was pretty fluid and revolutionary even for 2015 let alone the eighties when it was written, and that nearly every character in the book was bisexual. It's pretty sex-positive as a book even when showing some of the abusive and tarnished sides of sexuality people tend to be social agents not victims.

I loved the Prairie Warriors and I was left wanting more, so when the author immediately followed that one up with War and Rumours of War I was ecstatic. Not being American might have meant I missed some of the nuances in the space-age versions of Johnny Appleseed and Columbus in two of the stories. Did I have the cultural capital to really understand them?

The stories are surprising, thought provoking, original. They are also darn hard to read or understand and rather dark. I really think that this is a talented writer and I will see what else she has written. But I only moderately enjoyed the difficult grammar (sometimes a-grammatical) and hard to understand points of view.