A review by peppypenguin
A Cat, a Hat and a Piece of String by Joanne Harris


This book was so utterly charming it took me by surprise. I had initially picked it up after reading the back quickly and finding it intriguing.

I'd never read Harris before, but I'm certainly glad I did. Her ideas are so simple, yet so interesting, and pulled off in such a way that they really make the reader feel something. Her "horror" shorts were so haunting, and I adored her stories of Faith and Hope, the elderly dears living in a home and facing their own challenges.

Her characters are very intriguing, and I just adore her writing style. I had a hard time putting it down. I would read one story and tell myself, "Ah, just one more", until the next thing I knew I reached the end.

I really look forward to reading more from this author!