A review by alongreader
Running by Natalia Sylvester


Mari has never really thought about her father's policies. He's always been in politics in one way or another. But now he's running for President of the United States, the whole family is under intense scrutiny. Forced to learn more about the issues, Mari is dismayed to realise she doesn't always like what he stands for.

Not being American, I've never really understood their system (primaries?) but this is still an engaging story of a young girl realising she needs to fight for her beliefs. It reminds me a little of [b:Moxie|33163378|Moxie|Jennifer Mathieu|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1494950979l/33163378._SY75_.jpg|46824140], both in style and in one particular set piece.

I liked Mari's original friends better than her new friends, but they were all important in different ways. Her mother was nice, if a little passive. Her father was certainly a - piece of work, wasn't he? I didn't like Joe either, but that was clearly the aim, and it was very well done.

Overall I liked this read, I thought it was interesting and thought provoking, and Mari is my new favourite character.