A review by michalice
Catching Liam by Gennifer Albin, Geneva Lee


I'd not heard of Catching Liam until I was contacted about joining in a tour for the second book in the series, luckily if we hadn't read the first one we could receive a copy for review. After a quick search to find out more information about this book I quickly filled the form in for Catching Liam. We are quickly introduced to Jillian and her flatmate, Jess, as they embark on a 'boy catching night' where they out out with the intention of bringing a boy home.

The next morning Jillian awakes to discover her Scotish 'boy' is still in her flat, and is naked, in the kitchen, making breakfast....did I mention he is naked :). We soon find out his name is Liam, and he has every intention of sticking around and getting to know Jillian a lot better. Unperturbed by his nakedness she quickly tells him to get dressed, and attempts to hustle him out of her flat, which fails miserably, but also gives us time to get to know Liam.

Jillian is the protagonist, with an overbearing mum who likes to take control of Jillian's life.  But Jillian is hiding something through most of the book and when the truth is revealed I was shocked, but quickly turned to adoration for Jillian, living her life with this condition, and understand she doesn't like to get close to people.  It also explains why her Mum is so overbearing, although I do think she goes just a bit too far on some occasions.
Liam is perfect for Jillian, he wants to be there for her before he knows what is wrong, when he finds out the truth he looks into it, researches it, and finds out all that he can even asking her friends for information to prove he wants to be there for Jillian, and that he wont run away.  Although their relationship starts off rocky, after all is revealed it begins to settle into a state of normalcy.
Jillian's friends are an excellent support system for her and without them I don't think she would have made it as far as she does.

Her final presentation was tremendously brave and emotional, to have the courage to get up and talk about what is wrong with her, even when she was thrown into it, takes guts, and is not something I would do even if it was to talk about my asthma which is much more common than Jillian's condition.

I really enjoyed reading Catching Liam, I'd not heard of this author before receiving my review copy and was surprised to find myself quickly falling into the story.  The characters are likeable and realistic, dealing with everyday struggles which makes the story even more easy to fall into, you can relate to these characters and see parts of your own life mirrored in theirs.  The author has away of making you emotionally invested in what happens to the characters, especially Jillian, and I found myself getting to the end of the book sooner than I realised.  I need to read the next book in this series when it's released to find out what happens with Jessica, Cassie and Roman.