A review by mikewhiteman
Beneath Ceaseless Skies Issue #229 by Theodore McCombs, Scott H. Andrews, R.B. Lemberg


A Portrait Of The Desert In Personages Of Power, Pt. I - Rose Lemberg *****
Fantastic. Beautiful prose, examining the interplay between two very different powers, one old and one young. Uses of power, attraction and consent between those with power and those without. All set in a fascinating world of magic, against a background history of the world's Bird deity. Loved it.

Ora Et Labora - Theodore McCombs ****
Initially reminded me of Neal Stephenson's Anathem, establishing the setting of a closed off mathematical/religious abbey. But in this case the "Disordered" have been sent here for a different reason and the establishment of the order and its religious trappings may be an attempt to defend the Disordered. Really enjoyed the little hints gradually building up to the reveal and the possible futures offered by the ending. Only complaint would be that the reasoning for establishing the abbey and adopting the religious aspects felt a bit weak.