A review by gbdill
Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church by N.T. Wright


I absolutely love N.T. Wright's theology, his blogs, writings, video messages, and audio clips. But, I have yet to read an N.T. Wright book that I have been able to finish. They start out good and then they simply get boring: heavy with theology, jargon, and stuff that just doesn't seem important and are negligible to me. In "Surprised by Hope" Wright starts out by vividly exploring what it means to bring God's kingdom to earth and how the message of Jesus wasn't about escaping to a future hope (heaven), but a hope that exists now... on earth, through God's kingdom that will be realized in a New Jerusalem when Jesus will come and reign. Then, he totally goes off in a different direction and detailed tangents about the historical understandings of the resurrection and the meaning of Easter. I just lost interest. I wish I could stay engaged in the content of his books, but I can't. And, I was told this was arguably his best work. Sorry, but once again I am disappointed. For now, I will give his books a rest.