A review by qu33nofbookz
A Killer Harvest: A Thriller by Paul Cleave


A very good twisty thriller that gives you the unexpected without stretching the limits of reality and characters you can actually like. The story revolves around Joshua, a teenager who thinks he's cursed, his family and their close associates and how their actions over a day bring about suffering (the curse) to themselves and their loved ones.

Joshua who has been blind since birth gets the gift of sight when his cop father dies and donates his eyes. However things aren't all they seem to be when
Spoilerthe murderer of his father also is a downer and a medical mix up gives him an eye from each of the dead men
and things start to get weird. Joshua now has dreams and they are not the kind of dreams any sane person should be having. As life goes on and he adjusts his curse seems to be very much trying to make up for his good fortune of sight. His uncles girlfriend is attacked and later so is he. To get the the bottom of things and figure out what his dreams mean he and a girl from his new school (whom he has a crush on) follow the clues from the dreams and his fathers police notes to a cabin. Only Joshua isn't the only one to find the cabin and there is a showdown of unforeseen consequences set in motion by past decisions of all involved.

The characters were well thought out and their development while slow comes through. They are likable and even relate-able even if that shifts throughout the story as they grow and change in their own environment just like real life people. The structure of the story is good to, giving us the pov of many characters but without jarring you out of the overall story, they all flow and overlap well that there isn't any repetitiveness and you don't lose anything. The story is continuous and each change you learn something new in a mystery that covers the whole story. The twists and turns are exciting and keep you guessing, because just when you think you have it all figured out you get a new perspective and you have to rearrange your thinking. The details in the story are plentiful but not enough to bog down the story and you get a good image of the people and places. The pacing was good and steady building up to a climax that was exciting and there was enough of an after ward to get back into life for the characters that the end didn't feel abrupt or missing.

Last on a personal note the story takes place in New Zealand and they love the tv series Supernatural so a shout out to the author for including that.