A review by andypeloquinauthor
The Fanatic by Cynthia D. Witherspoon


This book continues the story of Eva McRayne, the ghost hunter/media journalist/spokesperson for the Greek god Apollo.

I enjoyed Book 1 enough to want to read this one, so I was thrilled when the author sent me a copy for review. It made for an interesting read. There was a lot of fascinating Greek mythology (the story of the Sibyl and her Protector, as well as the Three Fates, Athena, and other elements), which is always a plus for me.

However, I didn't enjoy it as much as the first book. This one focused a lot more on the main character's broken heart than the actual story. Being a man, I found the emphasis on that relationship to be a bit overdone, but I'm sure it's something other people will enjoy--so not a real flaw.

There were some flaws that needed a bit of polishing, including a number of punctuation and grammar mistakes. I found a lot of instances of writing that felt a bit amateur-ish, such as the author signaling what is going to happen. At one point, the MC is learning how to fight, and the narration says, "Little did she know that she was going to use those skills in the next twenty-four hours". For me, that puts me off and irks me.

I'd have to say that I was pleased with the ending. The ending of Book 1 felt a bit bland, but this one had a much better, more solid ending. That being said, there was no "hook" to make me want to read Book 3. There's no mystery left unsolved, no thread that I want to unravel. The strength of the character and story alone may not be enough to make readers pick up the next book. The author needs to give us a reason to continue…