A review by thepetitepunk
Body Positive Power: How learning to love yourself will save your life by Megan Jayne Crabbe


Get mad. Get mad about the first time you were ever made to feel bad about your body. Get mad about the fact that the average age for girls to start dieting is eight years old. Get mad about all that wasted time spent only half living. Get mad about not being able to turn on your TV, open a magazine, or walk down the street without being sold the idea that your body is wrong.

While reading Body Positive Power, I had the TV on in the background. I wasn't paying attention to it at first because I'm used to reading with noise, but after hearing a few select words, I truly understood the point Megan Jayne Crabbe was trying to make throughout her book.

Because Jesus Christ, how many weight loss commercials do I need to see while watching Criminal Minds?

Growing up, my entire life was controlled by self esteem issues. It got to the point where I didn't even want to leave the house. By middle school, I hated my appearance so much that I stopped looking in the mirror. I hid in a corner when I had to change into my gym uniform. I cried in the changing room when I had to buy a dress for 8th grade graduation. I didn't want to be by my friends anymore because I thought I wasn't as pretty as them and that I'd stick out. I didn't even want to talk to anyone because I didn't think they'd take me seriously because of the way I looked.

I don't know why I felt that way.

Spending years hating my body and not letting anyone touch me or get close to me was exhausting. I avoided being in photos and felt guilty whenever I ate. I couldn't do anything without thinking about how my appearance would come into play. That's just...not a great way to live.

I'm glad books like this are out there. Megan's voice is strong and inspirational. Comforting but honest, Body Positive Power is a book everyone should read.