A review by rosalind_barden
Death Takes a Holiday at Pemberley by Kelly Miller


I’ve lost count of the number of Pride & Prejudice variation novels by Kelly Miller that I’ve read. I keep reading them because I enjoy them so much! “Death Takes a Holiday at Pemberley” is no exception, and it may be my favorite so far – though, that’s a tough call. Be prepared to clear your schedule when you start reading “Death Takes a Holiday at Pemberley,” because you will simply have to find out what happens! Ms. Kelly gives this variation unique twists. We learn on the first page that Darcy and Elizabeth are already married and have a darling toddler. Then the author introduces an otherworldly character, Graham, who claims he is an angel of death. After Darcy miraculously survives a riding accident, Graham takes credit. In exchange for saving Darcy, Graham requires Darcy to invite him to stay at his Pemberley estate as a guest. Graham insists he wants to learn how mortals live. But Darcy is suspicious about what the handsome and charming Graham is really up to. Does Graham have his eye on Elizabeth? And how long will Graham let Darcy continue to live? You’ll have to read to find out!