A review by mbenzz
The Hero's Guide to Storming the Castle by Christopher Healy


I LOVE these books! They're so much fun, and Bronson Pinchot is a MASTER narrator. His voices are just brilliant and really add so much life and excitement to the story.

In this installment, our Hero Princes set about retrieving a magical sword from the plundered treasure of the pre-teen Bandit King, Deeb Rauber. What starts as a quest to save Prince Liam from his evil Fiance, Sleeping Beauty, ends up being a lesson in working together as a team. Each member grows in this story...some a little, others a lot. There's a much brighter spotlight on the Villians in this tale, and things do get a little darker, but nothing too dark or inappropriate for children.

There's lots of adventure, lots of humor, and even a few touching moments that made me well up just a teensy-tiny bit.

I'm gonna take a small break between this book and Book 3 as I can only handle audiobooks in short bursts, but once I get down a traditional book on my Kindle, I'll jump right back into finish the series with Book 3.

I ABSOLUTELY recommend this to anyone who loves swash-buckling adventure and crazy lovable hero's (or The Princess Bride). This is PERFECT for kids, and I highly suggest listening to it rather than reading it. No way can anyone beat Mr. Pincht and all his spot-on voices!