A review by karlyo83
Out of the Ashes by Kara Thomas


My Rating System: 4⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ticked nearly all the boxes THOROUGHLY ENJOYED IT!!

Samantha Newsom is a nurse in a busy stressful job in New York City, she is trying to keep her life on track, but Sam has a dark past that she doesn’t share with anyone. When Sam was 13 years old her entire family was murdered in their home (including her baby sister) and then the house was burnt to the ground.

Her last words to her mother haunt her, that last hug from her father and uncle and the giggle from her baby sister are never far from her mind. Having a last minute sleep over with her friend Sam was spared the same fate.

Twenty-two years later she is back in her home town after her uncles death and everything is brought back to the fore. The mishandling of evidence by the police, suspects that were never followed up and now a new investigator may have new evidence to assist in solving the murders of the Newsom family.

Can Sam find out the truth once and for all but still leave town alive??

Ok… cards on the table I started this book directly after a stinker - soooo my opinion may be skewed slightly but I still think this is a worthy 4 stars so I am sticking with it!!!