A review by aceinit
Altered Carbon by Richard K. Morgan


For such a short little novel, there is an awfully lot going on in Altered Carbon, so much that there were times when I felt like I should to be taking notes. There are almost no details in this book that don’t turn out to be relevant somewhere down the line, no matter how many ages ago or worlds away they happened, or how insignificant they seem at the time.

I will admit to being a little disappointed by the ending (I will never understand they the long-lived, cold, calculating, smooth as silk villains suddenly turn into loose-lipped megalomaniacs and irrational hotheads at the end of a story), and I am still perplexed regarding the change of heart in Trepp’s character, who had no discernable reason to change loyalties the way she does. Or, if she does, I certainly didn’t catch it. And I was disappointed that, after such an intricate and complex story, the solution to the murder mystery was really as simple as…well, I won’t give that part away.