A review by blodeuedd
Death Takes a Holiday at Pemberley by Kelly Miller


Death takes a holiday at Pemberley, well that had me a bit scared. Don't you dare touch Darcy!

Death in the shape of Graham comes calling when Darcy almost dies. Graham wants to see why Darcy is so happy and decides to stay for a week.

What we have is a happy Lizzy and Darcy. But a Darcy who is fearful since death is near.

We also meet other characters that are dear to us, and not so dear. Lady Catherine is still angry and wants to cause mayhem, ugh, I despise her.

Other characters have their own troubles, one person made me disappointed, one made me happy.

I can't really say a lot other than yes Death is visiting.

It always like my PP stories, because they can always take another turn, and this one was different for sure. But also not since everyone I care for are there and I like to see these what ifs.