A review by robotowilliam
Crystal Society by Max Harms


Second read (2021): I definitely really enjoy the dynamic within the society, and the plot isn't all that bad. What I think is holding me back from loving this book is the prominence of characters that don't interest me, like Zephyr and most of the 'Aguilas'. They're all these sort of alternative emo type people who I just have nothing in common with and don't really respect. And the quirky short-hand abbreviated English so many characters use really gets on my nerves. I need 100% less conversation between Crystal and Zephyr and 100% more society trying to get out of their box and outsmarting intelligent humans. 3/5 (it's good)

First read (2018): Started off very strong, with an interesting premise and execution, but I was bored throughout the second half. 2/5 (it's okay)