A review by sil_the_lobster
The Caphenon by Fletcher DeLancey


This is one of the most fantastic books I’ve picked up in a long while and I’m finding it hard to review. I typed up some long, rambling, incoherent nonsense earlier but I deleted it because, well, useless.

Let’s just say I’m forever glad I picked it up. The thing with scifi is – I love to watch it but I hardly ever read it. I have no idea why that is but boy am I glad I made an exception here! The writing is flawless and I have rarely come across such intricate yet seemingly effortless world-building. The author has thought of everything that makes a fictional world come to life: politics, religion, architecture, culture, race/species particularities, behavioural patterns, interior design, even myths and music. She has probably covered even more than what I’ve just listed, and not only for the Alseans but the Gaians, too. It’s nothing short of amazing and much as I dislike the much-abused AWESOME, it holds true for The Caphenon. It’s awe-inspiring indeed.

I don’t want to start another fangirl rant, but there’s nothing about this book I didn’t like. I sat glued to it during most of my free + waking hours: on the train to work, during lunch, on the train from work, before I went to bed, and I was so annoyed when I was done. I love the world-building (see above), I love the interaction between the Alseans and the Gaians, the interaction between the main characters, I love how Lancer Tal’s gender is no issue when it comes to her being Alsea’s leader and also the leader of the warrior caste, I love love love how male and female characters work together and if there’s bickering, it’s caste- or job-related and has nothing to do with gender. And it’s so well-written that it doesn’t even come across like, “well, in an ideal world…”, nope, it’s a fact here and there’s that. The gender-issue isn’t even touched, at least not that I would have noticed.

If there’s anything I worry about where The Caphenon is concerned, it’s the labelling. I realise Ylva is a publishing house with its focus on lesbian literature, f/f, women for women, whatever. Don’t let this stop you from reading The Caphenon! It’s not an f/f story but a classic scifi novel with everything a fan could hope for. The only nod towards the f/f genre is the fact that the ship’s female captain is in a relationship with a female anthropologist but that’s about it. Their relationship is not the centre here, it’s just another facet of a story that is so very rich in detail it will make your head spin (a word to the potential male reader: sorry mate, no hot lesbian sex!).

In short: I’m giving it five stars because, DAMN. I understand there’s 2 more Alsea novels to come and believe me, they’re on autobuy!