A review by billblume
Vampires: The Recent Undead by Paula Guran


Overall, I think this book delivers a very interesting and diverse take on the vampire myth. On the one hand, that's a good thing, because it keeps the book from getting repetitive. On the down side, it means not every story can be a pleaser for the reader. There were several stories that fell flat for me, but that I could see how my complaints had a lot to do with the type of story versus the quality of the writing. There were a few where the quality of the writing didn't always do well, though.

Perhaps my biggest complaint was the number of typographical errors I encountered throughout the book. I'm not sure how much of that is owed to this being an ebook version borrowed from the library. Perhaps the paperback version would not suffer these problems, or even a purchased ebook. Tough to know. Still, this was an issue for me as I read it, and it would distract me in the middle of several stories.

On a last note, the final story definitely delivered a hell of a close to the book. John Langan's tale is rather original in how it's told and even in how it handles the vampire myth. Definitely a 5 star story. My hats off to the man. He made that an intense ride for me.