A review by bookishlynerdy
The Wedding Deal by Cindi Madsen


This book was the perfect amount of sassy and love. It was so good. It definitely didn’t lose sight of the fact that they lived in the real world. Charlotte was adamant about covering their butts and almost neurological about her forms.

She reacted beautifully to the outrageous-ness of Lance. I was low-key applauding her during her speeches. She stood up for what she believed in as well as didn’t let herself get bulldozed by the men in the industry. A ruthless negotiator, Charlotte made sure to emphasize that, regardless of their relationship status, she had her job and Lance was not going to come in and dictate what she should and shouldn’t be doing.

And to his credit, Lance never tried to impose his will on her. In fact, more often than not, Lance was looking to Charlotte for advice and counsel. And, as she points out, he takes her suggestions into consideration. He doesn’t just listen and dismiss, as so many people are wont to do. Lance listens and implements her suggestions.

The same wavelength stuff was super adorable and showed a connection that was so sweet.

Cindi Madsen is a new author to me and I typically don’t read sport romances voluntarily. But this one, for some reason, called to me. And I am so glad I answered. It was the perfect book to curl up with on a weekend.